Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Marriage is exactly what everyone says it is and exactly what everyone says it is not. This is very confusing I know, but when you finally get married you will begin to understand.

From the time I was a little kid and right before I got married I dreamt of being married, having my own family, and even having kids. When you hear the saying life is short.. Let me say yes this is so true. See while you are younger time passes slowly, but as time passes it decreases exponentially.

I would say that this is caused by responsibility. We all have the same amount of time, it is what we do with that time that matters. So adding to being married. You will find your time to be short and spending your time appropriately will lead to whatever success you have with it.

From my own observations I find that success in marriage is found only by the time you put into it. If you put little into it you will get little out. On the opposite if you put a lot into it then you will get a lot in return. This analogy can also be used when studying for a test. If you do not study then you may fail, however, if you do study then you may pass...

Now here is the trick... Just "studying" will not make you pass the test. The quality and the diligence behind the studying is what makes you pass the test. Not the amount of time put into studying. With all this being said here is the part that makes this a "Trick Question." Even if you are diligent and study hard, in the end you may still fail the test.

Life always has curve balls and when you are willing to take into account that you may get hit upside the head. Marriage may be right around the corner for you. Trying to figure everything out right off will never get you any closer to understanding each angle.

Marriage is about the willingness to fail, succeed, and putting in diligent time into the relationship. If one side fails to operate in this, both sides lose.

Strange how all this comes from only being married for almost seven months now..

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